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Frank hoogerbeets warning about the first week of March.

In his latest you tube video, The dutch researcher @hogerbe (twitter account) is anticipating an increased seismic activity in the first week of march; but I would like to highlight that his content is actually about  correlation science: His studies are about planetary movement and its effect on earth. the “HOW” it is happening; it’s unknown; it’s all based on observation. Do we believe him or no it up to us.

This is the link of his latest video, Watch it and listen to what he says in the end: 

“ If you are in an earthquake prone area you always need an earthquake PLAN, regardless of the forecast, when the ground start shaking you know what to do and you know to get out of your house  or building very quickly, that could be life saving “ 

Well Lebanon is an earthquake prone area, and surely we are not trained to face a disaster.

Guidelines about what to do during quakes (CDC, OSHA ,… don’t bother googling these abbreviation, in a nutshell these are instructions published by international organization) instruct us to drop take cover and not to move unless the quakes are over, the crawling position is the easiest way to be mobile when the ground is shaking. 

Well I guess we should abide by it, they are the expert.

I saw on social media people are preparing a safe place in their houses where they stack supplies (water, energy bars, power banks, ..) that’s very smart but I completely disagree with these guidelines. 


I am sure their research didn’t factor in the fact that, in Lebanon, there is no urban planing, buildings infrastructure are questionable and contractors seeks more profits by compromising buildings quality and people safety 

I do agree with @hogerb; Personally at the first sign of an earthquake I will grab my kids and run to exit the building 

I shall run barefoot, without taking a bag of supplies, nor money nothing at all just run without Looking back.

I am training my reflexes to leave everything behind and exit. I shall not discuss wether it’s intense, will it last long or can my building withstand it. 

On a side note: Turkey quake was 80 seconds and building collapsed, every second you spare by escaping at the first sign of danger could save your life. 

My question is: are you prepared? if not you should be; regardless what plan you will implement just have one and share it with me in the comments

Stay safe, 

Love É

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