Yesterday on my way back home, I passed by a fuel station at 10:00 pm; they were open and operational. I said to myself maybe things are finally getting back to normal. I felt happy and proud, we Lebanese nothing can put us down. It is true, fuel prices are 10 times higher, but we are still managing.
Today around noon, I received a notification from a local news app stating that the gas crisis is back again due to lack of dollars , I finished work an hour later and all gas station were either closed or filled with cars queuing to get gasoline.
In less than 24 hours, things got bad again. Suddenly I felt so angry and depressed; I wanted to cry to shout, but will it help?
It is not healthy to stay in this fight or flight mode, it is exhausting, especially for me, a working mom with 2 kids with constant fear that someday I will not be able to provide food for them.
I know everyone is struggling; young generation, fresh graduates, are worried of not being able to work nor build a family. Elderly people are concerned of not getting their treatments and my generation, recently married with our without kids, are anxious about their future. Every one’s life is on pause, living day-by-day surpassing each problem at a time.
Therefore, here are 5 things I do to help me cope with living in Lebanon.
- Make plans, it could be plans for the weekend, plans for your career, plans to move out of the country, I donno what else. Making plans gives you a target to achieve and once accomplished you feel in control, because the situation nowadays is out of control and chaos easily can depress you. Me, I make plans what to cook for next week, and I am always looking for opportunity to get out of Lebanon also I plan to learn something new. Tech industry is booming I guess some knowledge in graphic design and content writing will always come in handy.
- Surround yourself with loved ones, if you know me in person, you must know my family. I have strong bonds with my family: they are my support; I seek their help when I am down and we share joy when I am happy. Really, I can’t emphasis enough the importance of a family no matter how much we fight, I can’t imagine my life without them.
- Celebrate birthdays, It is always fun to party, but in these difficult situations, I am sure you have no desire to party at all, that is why birthdays are a solid cause to go out and celebrate. Do not miss your loved ones’ birthdays, just enjoy the festivity it will be good for you.
- Treat yourself with a nice gift, I know everything is expensive and you rather save the money for more important things (food – fuel – medication) but a small treat for yourself occasionally will not bankrupt you. It can be really cheap like a pair of earrings for 1$ , lipsticks or hairclips… gifts will give you joy no matter how sad you are
- Finally take care of yourself (physically and mentally), I don’t mean you have to lose weight and exercise , of course it is always helpful to lose weight and exercise but do we really need to? No, we do not!
Just do as I do, simple steps for your wellbeing:
- Drink more water
- Eat more fruits and vegetables to balance out all the cravings caused by depression
- Have a walk with the kids, nowadays we walk to the supermarket
- Take care of your nails and hair (there is a lot of cheap products for hair and nails)
- Skin care routine is my new thing, very simple and effective (face wash followed by vitamin C serum in the morning, hyaluronic acid cream at night).
A trick to buying cheap products, ask the pharmacist for near expiry products you will get a huge discount on them and you will commit to your routine in order to finish them before they expire.
This will make you feel glowy and pretty; When you feel good in your own skin, you will kick depression out of it.
That was my advice, try it, and comment your opinion below.
Also, if you have other tricks to help fighting the struggles, DM me to be featured in my next blog.
Love E,