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nginx/1.18.0 (Ubuntu)

Happily ever after or isn’t it?

Lately there is one incident that is bothering me, I have been dying to share it with you. Most of the people I meet are usually in couple and being a typical lebanese I have to ask them how did they hook up. I usually expect a long complicated story but I’m always astonished by a simple, fairytale-like story. As an example they will brag about how their eyes met across the room and instantly fell for each other… Or something like “fifty shades of grey film” she came to his office for a paper and automatically he knew she was the one… And Many more similar stories…all stories end up with: “all was perfect later on”
Well how come it was? How come their relationship is so simple but for most of us single people it is never easy; there are always complications; each step along the way is a challenge from: where do you want to go tonight, to meeting the parents, to planing the wedding, to choosing a house..
Is it really simple but we like to complicate things? or it is really hard but some people are really easy going? or everybody tend to embellish the ugly truth in order to impress us?

I would love to hear your lovely stories and opinions about this matter.


2 Comments on Happily ever after or isn’t it?

  1. db
    February 28, 2015 at 5:26 pm (10 years ago)

    Last year, i would have agreed with you.. However i met my “one in a minion” in a fairytale-like story a couple of months ago!

    We met while i was transiting in paris for one day while she was on vacation there! We grabbed a few drinks, charmed her with my beauty, got her number, and we started dating a month later when we got back to Lebanon!

    Am i bragging about it? Hell Yeah!

    Cheers 😉

  2. eliane
    February 28, 2015 at 9:10 pm (10 years ago)

    Dear DB,

    Your story is really touching, hopefully your relationship will be smooth all the way and complication free. A month is too early to judge…


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